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5:53PM April 28, 2021

Daniel Bradford

I see that construction has began in the Newbern zone, obviously ahead of schedule from the original projections of July. Just wanted to ask if there has been any change to the timetable of this area and when we might start seeing our first connections? I know it's all projections, and thus subject to change. But barring any unforeseen circumstances, do we have a chance of being hooked up before July now?

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8:34AM April 29, 2021

Sarah Williams
Hi, Daniel. Yes, we have just started construction in the Newbern zone. There could be a chance that connections begin slightly earlier than anticipated, however, there is still a significant amount of work to be done prior to installations beginning. At this time, we are really only ahead of schedule with running the main line fiber, but there will still be service drops, splicing, etc. to be completed between now and connections. We will continue to keep members informed via emails and social media. Thank you for your support of Gibson Connect!