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4:20PM July 24, 2021


Hey is there anyway I can get an update on a timeframe of when I will be connected? Thanks!

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8:47AM August 22, 2021

Good Morning Sarah, about three weeks ago I had a crew come out and run the cables from the pole to my house so I was wondering what's next and if you had a better time frame of when I will be connected?

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8:47AM August 22, 2021

Good Morning Sarah, about three weeks ago I had a crew come out and run the cables from the pole to my house so I was wondering what's next and if you had a better time frame of when I will be connected?

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9:09AM July 26, 2021

Sarah Williams
Hi, Ashley. We are anticipating the Troy zone to be under construction by the beginning of September. There are variables that could impact this timeline such as weather, contractor staffing, and materials availability; but, as of now, we expect it to be underway by fall and connections to begin a few weeks following. We do not yet have exact estimations for individual homes, but we will be happy to give you a more precise time for your address once we have started work in the area. Thank you for your support of Gibson Connect. We look forward to serving you!