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10:01AM October 10, 2021

Robin Hild

I have a fiber cable pulled from the pole to the house but no j-box yet. Can you tell me when the splicing crew will be in the area to complete their connections? Hoping to be up and running by Thanksgiving. Things are happening in my area and our curiosity is maddening. 8)

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7:20PM November 30, 2021

Josh Sanders
Robin, It's pretty obvious that they care more about setting up cities that already have internet than they do about the people that were happy to pay a deposit to finally get internet. Welcome to bureaucracy.

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1:23PM October 11, 2021

Sarah Williams
Hi, Robin. We are hopeful that splicing will begin in the Hop-In/Rives area within the next couple of weeks, but it will still be several more weeks before connections are ready to begin. Our projection for having the majority of this area connected is late winter 2022; it could be earlier than that, but as of now that is the best timeframe we can provide. We appreciate your support of Gibson Connect, and look forward to serving you!