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6:01PM January 05, 2022

Cindy Glisson

Good Evening. I have seen comments asking about South Fulton being completed by end of winter 2022, but do we know when work will be in our area? I have see people with trucks and poles and lines, but wondering when it will be in my specific area.? Wolf Creek Road. Thank you.

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8:26AM January 06, 2022

Sarah Williams
Hi, Cindy. At this time, work has begun in the South Fulton zone, but we do not yet have estimates for specific connections. Right now, the majority of the work being done is running of main line fiber; following that, crews will come in and begin placing service drops and then splicing. It will be several weeks before connections are ready to begin. We will continue to update our members here and via our social media page. We appreciate your support of Gibson Connect and look forward to serving you!