1:41PM September 15, 2020
Sarah Williams
Hi, Darrell. We have just begun splicing of the network fiber this week, and the fiber will also have to be spliced at your home prior to the connection being ready. We are hopeful that connections in the Hornbeak zone will begin in early October, and as of now we anticipate the majority of the zone to be connected by the end of the year. The grant that was awarded will help speed up the buildout a little bit in this area. Once your home is ready to be connected, our team will give you a call at the number you provided during your registration; they will have a set date and time to come and perform your installation that works best for you and your family. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We appreciate your support and look forward to serving you, soon!
12:15PM September 15, 2020
Darrell Shore
I was wandering about a timeline for 448 W Hwy 21 troy since I'm on Hornbeak zone and have my fiber on the side of the house. We are planning a trip coming up in October. I don't want to miss you. I just read about the new Grant.
1:41PM September 15, 2020
Sarah Williams
Hi, Darrell. We have just begun splicing of the network fiber this week, and the fiber will also have to be spliced at your home prior to the connection being ready. We are hopeful that connections in the Hornbeak zone will begin in early October, and as of now we anticipate the majority of the zone to be connected by the end of the year. The grant that was awarded will help speed up the buildout a little bit in this area. Once your home is ready to be connected, our team will give you a call at the number you provided during your registration; they will have a set date and time to come and perform your installation that works best for you and your family. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We appreciate your support and look forward to serving you, soon!